When God Asks

Philippians 4:13                                                 When God Asks

“…for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power” (TLB).


Have you ever had a boss who asked you to do something you have never done before without being given instructions or training in how to do it?  I have, and it’s not fun.  It can even turn out to be embarrassing or perhaps dangerous.  Someone who would do that to you is not a good boss and certainly not a friend.  I’ve often been asked to do something new along with training or, at least, instructions.  These situations generally worked out well.  The best times were when the boss worked alongside me and showed me the best way to accomplish the work.  I learned a lot in those situations and then became a more productive worker, one who felt appreciated.

When we accept Jesus Christ as Savior, we are going to be given kingdom tasks to perform, and that is to be expected.  After all, we have been given the greatest gift ever presented to anyone, and our desire is be asked by God to do something.  The newness of the experience makes us eager to do His work, and for most of us, that feeling doesn’t disappear.  Some who have been brothers and sisters with Jesus the longest are always asking God what they can do next.  They are good sources of encouragement showing just how much Jesus Christ is willing to take a person by the hand and guide him or her in the execution of the task.  That’s one of the great joys of being a Christian—working for the kingdom, having Jesus providing guidance as we perform the tasks God asks of us.  It’s a great time of growth—growth in our own walk and growth  in being useful to God.  Did you ever think that God would ask you to do something and then when you’ve finished, God would say, “Good job?”  It will happen if we pay attention to Him, seek His help frequently, and trust that we can hear His voice.  It’s a great adventure that God has for us.  First, we get the joy of knowing that we have eternal salvation, and then we get to work alongside others that we will know for eternity while being guided and encouraged by the Creator of the universe, Jesus!