About Us

This is where we like to be, out in the midst of God’s great creation.  His creation beckons us, draws us to Him to contemplate His goodness.

We have been travelling across the United States since our honeymoon in 1964, and we have missed only three states, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Florida.  It has been our great joy to observe, photograph, and just become immersed in the beauty of God’s creation.  We have been teachers in public and Christian schools from elementary to college, and our subjects have been English, speech, math, general science, geology and astronomy.  I have also been a counselor, a business manager, and assistant administrator.  We have three great sons, three terrific daughters-in-law, and seven amazing grandchildren who all enjoy being in the outdoors.

Photography is the medium God has given us to draw many to Him through relating photographs to His word.  Whenever we get to experience the glory of His creation, we are drawn to the Creator, Jesus Christ.  It is our belief that creation beckons everyone who spends time observing it, recognizing the greatness of the creator and being drawn to Him.

We certainly hope that you will enjoy the photographs we have been privileged to capture, and we also hope that you will take some time to relate the beauty of God’s creation to His love and care for us.