Trust and Peace

Philippians 4:6,7                                                     Trust and Peace

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God , which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (NIV).


It was very peaceful to look into this scene of calm blue water surrounded by snow-capped peaks from the deck of a large and stable ship.  All I had to do at that moment was to look on the glory of God’s creation, appreciate it, and thank Him for it.  It brought great peace to my mind, my heart, and my spirit.  That God would create all this just for our enjoyment, speaks volumes of His love and care for us.  The amazing beauty and grandeur of God’s creation, from the stark dryness of the desert to the sweeping  beauty of Alaska, cause joy and peace to rise within me and draw me closer to the one who created all this.  When I consider the great variety of the animals and the plants, in addition to all the landforms, I am overwhelmed.

Even though the beauty and magnificence He created are mind-boggling, they pale in significance when compared to the most loving, most sacrificial act of our God.  He left His place in heaven and came to earth as one of us and offered His body to purchase salvation, the forgiveness of sins, for us.  He allowed men to nail Him to a cross where He hung until His body died.  Satan may have considered this to be His great moment of victory, but it was just the beginning of satan’s humiliation in front of his minions when Jesus roared forth out of hell and brought our salvation with Him.  With salvation, He also brought peace for those who will accept Him, trust Him, and live for Him.

Thank you, Jesus, for the beauty of creation that I always enjoy, but I thank you  most for bringing me victory over sin and its contract with satan.  Thank you, Jesus, for providing a place for me with you for eternity.  I have trusted you, and You have given me peace.

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