Time Alone with the Father

Mark 1:35                                           Time Alone with the Father

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (NIV).


Fellowship is good.  Spending special time with friends is good.  Gathering with large groups of people to praise the Lord and hear His Word preached is certainly good.  But, even Jesus needed to get way from everything and everybody to spend time alone with the Father.  We find this happening several times in the Gospels.  It seems that Jesus needed the close personal contact with the Father with no possibility of distractions.

If Jesus, the Son of God, had to get away from everything to spend time alone with the Father, how much more do we need to do the same.  Our relationship with our Heavenly Father is a very close, intimate one, and we need to be able to spend time when we can focus our conversation entirely with Him.  He loves mankind in general, but He loves me in particular, just as He loves you, and He yearns for alone time with each of us, to hear from our hearts.  Yes, God does know everything about us, but He also desires to talk with us and hear from our hearts how we are doing, what we are wondering about, how we feel about Him, if there are any requests we have for Him.  Focused time alone with Him also gives us the opportunity to hear from His heart how much He loves us, and what plans He has for us.  For me, that close, focused time alone with God is enhanced when I can be outdoors enjoying His creation.  It draws my attention to Him.

I cherish the times my wife and I can get apart from the concerns of life and just spend time together sharing the deepest feelings of our hearts.  Our relationship is strengthened every time we do that.  We should be desiring to do what we can to deepen the relationship with our Father God, and spending time alone with Him shows Him that we are eager and willing to make an effort to make that special time happen.  I encourage you to plan a time in the near future to spend extended time alone with Father God.  He’s waiting to meet you and spend special alone time with you.