Thoughts to Ponder(2)

John 3:16                                              Thoughts to Ponder(2)

For the nexr two days I will be posting ten thoughts a day.  Hopefully, one or several, will give you something to think about or pray about.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (NKJV).


Lord, help me approach this week of work as if I were working directly for You.

Do I look forward to Jesus’ return as much as He does?

Jesus loves me as much on my bad days as He does on my good days, and He expects as much from me on my bad days as He does on my good days.

Lord, show me how to make a difference in someone’s life today.

Sin in my life must be replaced by something.  Lord, fill me!

No one will ever love you as much as Jesus Christ does.

I am not the general manager of the universe., but I know the one who is.

Keep a folder of favorite Scriptures at hand.

Be the last one to speak.  By then you have heard everyone else’s opinion and have had time to pray about yours.

Some of the best conversations my wife and I have had have not been particularly long, but they were heartfelt and filled with love, care, and appreciation for each other.




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