Thoughts to Ponder(1)

Genesis 1:1                                              Thoughts to Ponder(1)

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (NKJV).


For the next three days I will be posting ten thoughts a day.  Hopefully, one or several, will give you something to think about or pray about.

Even on my worst days, when I am most ashamed of myself, Jesus still calls me His friend, and He speaks to the Father on my behalf.

When the lines of communication are broken between God and me, guess who is at fault, and guess who is ready, willing, and able to re-establish the connection at a moment’s notice.

When Jesus returns, will I be glad to have Him see what I am doing?

Whenever I question who I am, I just have to remember whose I am.

To whom have I shown the love of Jesus Christ today?

When I walk toward Christ, I walk away from sin.

I study to make myself worthy.  I strive to make myself worthy. I work really hard to make myself worthy.   But I can never become worthy of Jesus’ love on my own.  Jesus asks me to accept Him.  As soon as I do, I am already worthy  because He is worthy.

Do you have a Christian heritage in your family?  If so, thank God.  If not, thank God that you are beginning one.

Take time to listen when I pray.  It’s a two-way conversation.  God’s words are more important than mine.

Probably someone you love needs to hear you express that love today.



1 comment

  1. Thank you my dear friend , what a list of things/thoughts to alwaysre mind me of the LOVE OF CHRIST.what an amazing picture, an amazing view of God’s artwork. Bill

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