This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

Psalm 118:24                         This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

“This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (NKJV).


That’s right, when we think of this verse, we usually think of bright times, joyous times as pictured above.  That’s a good thing to do—rejoice in the good times.  Praise God when his blessings are apparent, when the trail ahead is interesting and good friends are enjoying a hike together.  That’s the kind of day when we like to “rejoice and be glad in it.”

But there are other days when the sun isn’t shining very brightly, the clouds are hanging low, and things just aren’t going our way–when there just doesn’t seem to be any light in the day.

Guess what?  This is still a day the Lord made, and we are to “rejoice and be glad in it” also.  Today started out like one of those lifeless days with difficult problems.  It was hard to “rejoice and be glad in it.”  Then God caused me to think of the fantastic family I have. And the love we all share.  He also reminded me that His Son, Jesus, loves me enough that He sacrificed Himself on the cross of Calvary so that He could spend eternity with me.  Jesus did that so He could spend time with me!  Wow!  Then, in the middle of the morning, the problem that seemed insurmountable earlier was chopped down to size.  So, this day that began with me mumbling and grumbling now has me rejoicing and being glad in it.  Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness.


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