The Two Greatest Symphonies

Psalm 19:1-6                                     The Two Greatest Symphonies

“The heavens keep telling the wonders of God, and the skies declare what he has done.  Each day informs the following day; each night announces to the next.  They don’t speak a word, and there is never the sound of a voice.  Yet their message reaches all the earth, and it travels around the world.  In the heavens a tent is set up for the sun.  It rises like a bridegroom and gets ready like a hero eager to run a race.  It travels all the way across the sky.  Nothing hides from its heat” (CEV).


You don’t believe that there is a God?  Just go outside and look up.  The sun speaks of His glory during the day, and the stars and moon shout it out at night, and in  between, God has provided two special times, sunrise and sunset, the changeover from the glory of the sun to the glory of the stars.  How many times have you seen a magnificent sunrise promising a beautiful day, and how many times have you seen a golden sunset leading to a peaceful night?  God created the sun, the moon and the stars, and He caused the views during the morning, day, evening, and night to frequently differ so that His creation holds our interest as it speaks of His glory.  Remember, He created all of this for us to give us daily enjoyment and daily proof of His love and care.

We can’t hear the stars or the sun or the moon, yet they sing to us without words, just like a symphony orchestra explodes with musical beauty without the need of words.  Listen to Bach and Beethoven speak to your heart without words.  The sun, moon, and stars speak volumes about our creator not only without words, but also without sound.  Sometimes a symphony can be seen, particularly those written by our God.  With today’s technology, visual works have been composed and performed with light, it’s colors, and movement.  They, too, can touch the heart.

Listen to the birds, look at the sky, taste good food, smell a rose, and touch the smooth skin of a baby.  You’ve just experienced almost the greatest symphony ever written, and the composer—God.  He has entitled it “Creation.”  It’s beauty is exceeded only by the other symphony God wrote.  He called this one “Salvation—I Love You.”  Be sure you experience both of these symphonies composed especially for us.