The Rocks Cry Out

Isaiah 55:12                                                   The Rocks Cry Out

“For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace:  the mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands” (NKJV).


God was not bashful when He created the earth and the stars.  He went at it with grandeur and panache.  The mountains are stupendous, and the valleys shine forth with the beauty of flowers, and there is a canyon so aptly named Grand Canyon.  Look around you and see the many ways in which God has proclaimed beauty in a flamboyant manner.  It’s as if He has said, “Look what I made just for you!”

There’s a song called, “This Is My Father’s World” that thrills me.  It speaks of the wonders of His creation.  In one verse it says, “I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees, of skies and seas.  His hand the wonders wrought.”  It’s worth going to you-tube, finding it, and listening.  I’m sure you will enjoy it.

God’s work in creation is almost unbelievable, but we can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, and smell it, so it must be real.  But His work in creation has not been His most amazing or the most beautiful.  He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a wooden cross so that our sins would be forgiven and we could fellowship with the God of Creation forever.  He has shown His love for us by the sacrifice of Jesus, and he has shown His love for us by creating such a magnificent place for us to live.

God has not been quiet about anything He has done.  He has been bold, and so should we be bold, be bold in praising Him, extolling His greatness, and making certain that everyone knows Him and returns love to Him.  There’s another song that speaks of what we need to do.  The song is called, “Praise Him!  Praise Him!”  What an appropriate title.  The chorus of the song goes like this: “Praise Him!  Praise Him!  Tell of His excellent greatness; Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!”  We need to be as bold in our praise as God was in creation and in the sacrifice that grants us forgiveness.  PRAISE HIM!  PRAISE HIM!