The Most Painful Love of Jesus Christ

1 Thessalonians 3:12                  The Most Painful Love of Jesus Christ

“And may the Master pour on the love so it fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us to you” (Message).


This is part of the prayer that Paul prayed on behalf of himself and Timothy to the Thessalonians, a young church needing encouragement.  There are many things that Paul could have prayed for this group of young believers, but he prayed that they would be filled with love, the same love that he and Timothy had for them.  He knows how much he and Timothy loved them, and he seems to be sure that they realized just how much they are loved by Paul and Timothy.  And the best thing he can pray for them is that they be filled with love, not love as they are able, but the love they can receive from Jesus—a pure love that knows no boundaries.  He wants them to receive so much love that it touches everyone they meet.  He knows that their witness will be amazing if they are able to love as Christ does.

I would that I could pray that prayer for you, your family and your friends—that you would be filled with the love shown by Jesus Christ, a love not only shown by His accepting death, but also shown by His acceptance of the immense pain He experienced.  When we read of the accounts of the torture prior to His being nailed to the cross, we have some idea of His pain, but He expressed His most intense pain when He stated in Mark 15:34:  “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  From the beginning of eternity past, He had NEVER been separated from Father God, and this pain was almost inexpressible.  Up to this moment He had known it would happen, but He didn’t know just how painful it would be.  But He accepted that most intense pain on behalf of you and me.  I would that I could pray that you be filled with that love, but I can’t because no man can truly experience, or even imagine the pain that Jesus Christ experienced at that moment.  The best I can do is pray that you, your family, and your friends would accept that love from our Savior.  When you do, His love will spill over to those you meet and they will be greatly blessed, as you will.