The Hidden Is Revealed

1 Corinthians 2:6,7                                 The Hidden Is Revealed

“We do use wisdom when speaking to people who are mature in their faith.  But it isn’t the wisdom of this world or of its rulers, who will soon disappear.  We speak of God’s hidden and mysterious wisdom that God decided to use for our glory long before the worlds began” (CEV).


The picture is of what is known as Thousand Springs.  It is in south central Idaho and stretches for a long distance.  The water in the springs hasn’t seen the light of day for a hundred years.  Its continuous flow is mysterious.  Why has the water been underground for a hundred years?  I don’t know why it has been underground so long, but I am pretty sure that it flows out in these particular places because of cracks in the surrounding rock.  It is not known how long these springs will last, but they do present us with an appealing and interesting sight that can be seen from the road for miles.

In the Scripture, Paul tells us that he uses wisdom hidden by God to speak into the lives of those who are mature in the faith.  There are some things that become more understandable and of more use as we grow in faith and trust in our Lord.  The one big difference between these thousand springs and the spring that brings forth the hidden mysteries of God is that God’s spring will never, that’s right, never run dry.  He has good words for us, appropriate to our level of growth in the faith, as long as we live.  I’m glad that I serve a God who knows what I am ready to learn as well as when I’m ready to learn it.  His mind is infinite, so I expect to learn hidden mysteries throughout eternity.  What an exciting time that will be.  For the time being, I am looking forward with great expectation for the mysteries I’ll soon see.