Steady and Trustworthy

Colossians 3:23,24                                          Steady and Trustworthy

“Work willingly at whatever you do as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.  Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ” (NLT).


The plant in the center of the picture can be easily overlooked.  It is not particularly bright or showy in appearance, but it does add a certain beauty to the section of the garden in which it is growing.  But you have to stop to look at it  to appreciate it.  Fortunately, there are many Christians just like that in our churches, and they form the solid glue that holds the congregation together.  They don’t stand out.  They don’t demand attention, and they don’t detract from the attention given others.  It’s not that they are “just there” because they do much more.  They spend time greeting newcomers.  They greet and speak with many regular attenders at every service.  The joy of the Lord is visible on their faces as they sing His praises.  They are attentive to the sermon, and they are able to discuss it even the following Saturday.  They are a little like the bread in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Like the bread in the PB and J sandwich, they provide the solid substance that holds the whole thing together.  Thank you for being one of these special people.  Although not much is said about your presence or of your normal church activity, you and your witness are important and appreciated.  Just by being there and doing what you do every week, you help the church draw closer together, and the Lord appreciates your service.  He is preparing a reward for you, an inheritance, that is yours for all eternity.

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