Spread Out and Spread the Word

Mark 16:15                                    Spread Out and Spread the Word

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (NIV).


Rivers are beautiful, and they can be majestic in their size, flow rate, and power.  Sitting beside a river and watching it flow can be an energizing, as well as relaxing, experience.  Watching a river flow is something I greatly enjoy.  To physically partake of the river, to get wet, one must put his hand or other part of the body in the flow.  But if one stands near a waterfall, he can partake, get wet, without any effort of his own.  The spray of the river spread out, separated into its individual particles, can immerse anyone standing close.

I believe the same to be true of the Church.  Watching a strong God-fearing and God-loving church can be invigorating, but to take part in the activity, a person needs to make the effort to join the action.  God, in Mark 16:15, has asked us, the Church, to reach out, to go beyond the walls of the church building.  He asks us to move into society with His love and not to wait for them to ask to join us.  We are to be as the water droplets of a waterfall–reach out and touch them with His love and presence.  A waterfall affects many more people than a flowing river does.  It spreads out to make everybody near it wet.  That’s what we are told to do–spread out and splash the love of God, the love of Jesus Christ on to all those we meet.  It’s more fun to be part of a waterfall than it is to be a part of a flowing river.  Let’s get excited and splash all we meet, and sometimes even those just passing by.