Set Apart

Romans 12:2                                                              Set Apart

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think.  Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways will really satisfy you” (TLB).


The flower certainly stands out from the background.  It is unique in the picture, being obvious to the viewer.  God is calling us to be just that distinct from the world, from the hate, the anger, the bitterness, the lack of boundaries, the dark and sinister view of life, the hopelessness that this world presents.  Oh, I know that this world claims to be enlightened.  That’s exactly what satan told Adam and Eve, that they would be enlightened and know what God knows.  Once they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, things went downhill, and it’s been a slippery slope since then.  A long list of “unthinkable” changes have become common place.  The differences are becoming more and more easy to see, and we are called to stand firm and remain the salt and light in this age.  If we want to know if something is wrong according to our Lord, we need to read His Word and speak to Him in prayer.  We have been given a guidebook that shows the goodness of God and provides footsteps to follow.  Following in His footsteps guarantees buffeting from all sides in this world amid blessings from Him.  The road is a difficult one, but it is one that leads to eternal rewards.  It is time to choose to purposely make ourselves stand out from the insidious darkness of satan’s domain.

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