Proclaim Peace and Salvation

Isaiah 52:7                                        Proclaim Peace and Salvation

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’” Isaiah 52:7 (NIV).


In the musical, “The Sound of Music,” there is a title song, “The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music.”  It’s a beautiful scene.  The heroes have escaped the Nazis, and they are singing in a grassy meadow strewn with wild-flowers with a background of majestic snow-peaked mountains.  How much more beautiful is the scene when the songs they sing are those of praise and worship to our Lord!

We are encouraged by the Scripture above to “bring good news, to “proclaim peace,” to “bring good tidings,” and “proclaim salvation.”  Then we are to say, (I really think we are to shout), “Your God reigns!”  When we do that, we top the scene from the Sound of Music no matter what our voices sound like.  Our God enjoys the praises of His people in song from those “who can’t carry a tune in a bucket,” to those who sing classical opera, to those who sing in a modern, popular style, and even those who sing with a country twang.  We benefit from singing His praises, He enjoys hearing us sing them, and others who may have never heard of salvation, peace, and joy are equally blessed.  By singing His praises, whether it be on a mountain-top or in a jail cell, we are spreading the Good News of Jesus and perhaps presenting it for the first time to the lost.  Let our feet be beautiful as the Word says in Isaiah 52:7.