Obedient Rest

Hebrews 4:9-11                                                       Obedient Rest

“There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own works, just as God did from his.  Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience” (NIV).


Several months earlier these fields were green, and then became ripe for harvest.  Today they are brown, showing that they have accomplished their purpose—they have produced the harvest.  Their job for this year is done, and now these fields are to rest, holding within themselves the nutrients for the next growing season.  They look restful, not actively doing anything, but in their rest, they are preparing for next year.  Fields that are not given rest eventually become less and less useful, until they become unfruitful.

God gives each of us work to do, work that will result in a harvest that He has  determined.  He grants us the abilities and the anointing to provide a harvest when the seed is planted.  Usually when we have completed a task, some work, or a mission, God gives us time to rest, and while we rest, He builds us up again through His Word, His teaching servants, and in conversation with us.  But we have to recognize that our rest is a time of preparation for a new task, work, or mission, and we must cooperate with His teaching through His Word, His teaching servants, and prayer.  God will not force us to perform tasks for Him, but He provides us with opportunities to serve Him.  When we accept a new assignment, He begins preparing us and anointing us for the assigned work so that the harvest He has planned will be bountiful.

It is important for us to accept the times of rest God provides for us and to be open to what he has to teach us during times of rest.  Lord, make me like a sponge, soaking up all you have for me as I rest.  I look forward to the next planting of seed.

Categorized as Rest

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