Now Is the Right Time

2 Corinthians 6:2                      Now Is the Right Time

“For God said, ‘At just the right time, I heard you.  On the day of salvation, I helped you.  Indeed, the “right time” is now.  Today is the day of salvation.’ “ (NLT).


It may not be the most beautiful picture ever taken of Multnomah Falls, but it is special to me.  It was a foggy, misty, rainy morning, and it was my chance to get pictures of Mulnomah Falls, pictures I had been looking forward to taking for fifty-six years.  I was disappointed by the misty conditions, but it turned out to be a rare photograph.  I didn’t realize it until I showed the picture to my son, who said,
“How did you get that picture with no-one on the bridge?”  Then I realized that even while we were there there was almost no time when the bridge was empty.  It was “at just the right time.”  I was blessed to have been there at just the right moment, a very small moment in time.

There’s a big difference between the “right time” for me with this photograph and the “right time” mentioned in the Scriptue verse above.  I “just happened” to pick the right time to activate the shutter.  I’m sure there was no other right time that day to take this picture.  The Scripture verse says, “Today is the day of salvation.”  That was true the day that it was written by Paul two thousand  years ago, but that was not, and is not, the only “Day of Salvation.”  God first extended salvation on the day that Jesus died on the cross of Calvary, and every day since then has been the “Day of Salvation,” and every day until Jesus returns to call His church home will be the “Day of Salvation.”  So, the day is now, the opportunity is now, to accept Jesus as Savior and claim your ticket for eternal life with Him and me and many, many other rejoicing Christians in heaven.  He is preparing a place for you.  Be sure you claim it!

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