New Life–New Beginnings

2 Corinthians 5:17                                 New Life–New Beginnings

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (NKJV).


Each spring the very ground seems to celebrate new life.  Flowers grow and display their vivid colors; trees bud with new leaves, and some trees even bud with flowers that will develop into fruit later in the year.  There seems to be a spring in the step of most of us as the weather warms and the hours of sunlight lengthen.  And for me, baseball and stock car racing begin new seasons.  There is much to be joyful about in the season of spring.  Schools even take holidays to celebrate it.  (It used to be called Easter vacation, but now it has been renamed “Spring Break.”)


All are good reasons to celebrate the return of spring, but of course the greatest, most significant reason to celebrate this time of the year is because of the ultimate sacrifice given by God the Father.  He sacrificed His Only Begotten Son that each of us could have new life—a brand new life with all of our sins forgiven and a home reserved for us in heaven for eternity.  In sports, most youngsters will ask for a “do-over” if it wasn’t done right the first time.  Sometimes it is offered by the other players, but this ultimate “do-over” is always offered by God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  As the verse above states, “…he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”  There it is:  old life gone and forgotten—new life straight ahead.  So, this year have the most significant celebration ever.  Celebrate new life in Jesus Christ.  Watch to see fruit appear in your life as you grow and mature in the Christian life.  If you’ve already done that, congratulations.  Now go invite someone else to do the same.