Love As Jesus Loves

Ephesians 5:1,2                                                 Love As Jesus Loves

“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (NIV).


I came across this picture and was struck by a deficiency in my walk with the Lord.  If I see the glacier as the love that God has poured into me and see the tickle of water flowing out from the glacier as the amount of his love that I allow to flow through me to others, I realize what a small amount of His love that I share.  I should be overflowing with His love.  I should not be able to hold it back.  I, as a Christian, may be the only Bible that some people see.  When I realize that, I know that it is my joy and responsibility to share the love of God with many.

We often think of the mission field as being in other continents, other countries, but there is a great mission field right in our neighborhoods, in our work places, and even in our families.  When our lives mirror the love of Jesus Christ, we will draw many to Him.  I’ve quoted this before, but it deserves repetition.  I don’t know who first said it, but it speaks volumes: “Preach a sermon every day.  When necessary, use words.”  My life should be lived in a manner that reveals the love of God as shown through Jesus Christ, who sacrificed His life for us.  I don’t mean that I need to die on a cross as Christ did, but I do need to put more sacrifice in my life so that others can be blessed by my actions.  God’s love and blessings are straining to gush forth.  That’s his nature, and I need to incorporate it.  I need to preach a sermon to someone today without using words.

Oh, just a note about glaciers.  When a lot of water flows from a glacier, it usually gets smaller because the source has become less.  Here’s where the analogy of this message breaks down.  The source of love from Father God never decreases.  In fact, the more we share His love, the more love He gives us.  We can never outgive God, especially in love.


    1. Thanks, you, Bill. I appreciate your comments. When I came across the picture it made me think of the great volume of love God contiinually pours into me, and it also made me think of the trickle of love of His that I share with others compared to the huge amount He provides me. God is so good!

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