Like A Child

Luke 18:17                                                                    Like A Child

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (NIV).


Jesus was with His disciples, and mothers were bringing their children to be blessed by Jesus.  The disciples got annoyed at the frequent interruptions and tried to move the women and children out of the way.  Jesus took the opportunity to tell us how we must receive His act of sacrifice and enter into eternal life.  I’ve read this passage many times, but today the Lord stopped me and insisted that I meditate upon it.  The Lord may have not shown me anything new, but He made me realize that this description had better apply to me if my desire is to be a joyful, blessed citizen of His kingdom.  Little children accept new things with joy and excitement.  They “jump right in.”  They don’t question what their parents offer them but rather accept it as “gospel truth,” which is an appropriate way to accept the kingdom of God.  It is not until children get older that they learn from us to doubt, to question, and to reject many good things.  If a mother tells her daughter that she will get a new doll for Christmas, the daughter expects a new doll.  She knows she will get one.  I need to accept the kingdom of God with great joy, excitement, no doubts, no questioning, and no “but what if” statements.  “Jesus said it.  I believe it, and that settles it for me.”  I’m not sure I adequately expressed the effect God’s insistence that I meditate on this verse has had on me, but it has been profound.  I hope I’ve helped you to have a complete childlike acceptance of Jesus’ sacrifice and His assurance of eternity with Him.

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