
Job 8:7                                                                                 Growth

“Even though you’re not much now, you’ll end up better than ever” (MSG).


In Job 8, Job’s friends took him to task regarding what had happened in his life, but even in their criticism they have some encouragement.  For example, Bildad said, in the Scripture above: “…you’ll end up better than ever.”  And he was correct.  The end of Job’s life contained even more blessings than the beginnings did.  The same is true of flowers, as I have found out the past few years.

We bought flowers at the local nursery and planted them, and then the work began.  It’s not easy to grow flowers and keep them blooming during the hot days of a Tucson summer.  They take constant care, frequent watering.  Taking a few days off in the growth of flowers in a Tucson summer does not work unless you are looking for dry, withered twigs.  The flowers need frequent watering and even a cooling spray during the afternoon.  The summer heat in Tucson is merciless to young flowers.  With proper care and attention, flowers can maintain their beauty throughout the summer season even in Tucson.

Our lives as Christians may resemble the growth of flowers planted in Tucson in the spring.  Flowers bought from a nursery are full of blooms and look like they will thrive forever.  The new Christian appears much the same way—vigorous and full of promise.  And that is true:  every new believer has immense prospects for growth.  After all, the master gardener, the one most able to help us discover and grow into our fullness as a follower of Christ is with us every day.  One big difference between us and flowers is the fact that we choose whether we get fed or not and just how much we get fed.  We are fed and watered through the reading of the Word, prayer, gathering with other believers to hear and learn, and quiet contemplation of God’s remarkable creation.  When we accept the feeding, we find ourselves fed with the choicest of nourishment, and our growth is awesome.