God’s Story for Everyman

Jeremiah 29:11                                            God’s Story for Everyman

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV).


Please read this as a personal devotional.  The pronouns “I, me, my, and myself” refer to you as well as to me if you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord.


God has a plan.  God always had a plan.  I AM PART OF THAT PLAN.  WHAT A JOY!!  Since I have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior, God has me for an inheritance.  I’ve never thought of myself as an inheritance – particularly not one worth enough that someone would sacrifice His Son to gain.

When Christ returns, all things will come under His rule and control.  It will all work together as God intended it to from the beginning.  What a joy it will be to see how all science, art, business, philosophy, psychology, medicine, education, and administration will work together under God’s plan and Jesus’ rule.  I have a part in that.  There is a particular job to do, a job chosen for me by God – one that He has prepared for me specifically.  It is exciting to know that I am a vital cog in the work of the Lord.

Lord, give me wisdom and strength to learn those things I need to learn to be an important part of your plan.  Help me to put aside those things that hinder my development toward the person you want and need me to be.  My need to be the person of your plan and purpose is paramount, and without your guidance and help I will not (cannot) fulfill the promise given to me.  Lord, at this point I don’t know what you are preparing me for, but I yield to your wisdom and ask you to move my feet where I need to go, focus my mind on what I need to study, hold my heart to the journey, and give joy to my spirit as I walk with you.  Thank you most of all for Jesus Christ who took my sins upon himself and paid my sin debt in full.  He left my sins in a place I cannot go, so keep me from remembering them and returning to them.  I have been cleansed and set free.  Lord, I thank you for choosing me, for giving me purpose, and for preparing me for the work ahead.  Praise, glory, and honor to the name of Jesus.  Lord, speak to me whenever and wherever; interrupt me if need be; get my attention; and speak deeply into my heart so that I can understand your Word.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.  Amen.