God Is BIG (2)

Colossians 3:16                                                     God Is BIG (2)

“For in him all things were created:  things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”



This is the last of the messages in the series of twenty adjectives that describe God.  I pray that you have found them to be useful.

Mount Rainier is one of the biggest mountain in North America, but it is as a grain of sand on the seashore in comparison to the size of God.  He created the entire universe, so He must be larger than the universe.  In the past few weeks, we have used twenty adjectives to describe God.  Perhaps they can give us some idea of the breadth and depth of God and the breadth and depth of His love for us.  Here’s a quick review of the twenty adjectives we used.  I’m certain you can come up with many more adjectives that describe our great God.

God Is Loving.

God Is Immutable.

God Is Merciful.

God Is Infinite.

God Is Generous.

God Is Omniscient.

God Is Peaceful.

God Is Just.

God Is Faithful.

God Is Holy.

God Is Good.

God Is Sovereign.

God Is Wise.

God Is Omnipotent.

God Is Compassionate.

God Is Self-Sufficient.

God Is Gracious.

God Is Spiritual.

God Is Glorious.

God Is Big.

Yes, He is all those and more, and the best thing to remember is that God Is love!