God Is BIG

Colossians 1:16                                                             God Is BIG

John 3:16

“For in him all things were created:  things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”


I wrote two different messages for this last entry in the twenty adjectives that describe God.  Tomorrow I will post God Is BIG2.  Be sure to check for it tomorrow morning.

Denali is the biggest mountain in North America, but it is a grain of sand on the seashore in comparison to the size of God.  He created the entire universe, so He must be larger than the universe.  The size of His creation is beyond comprehension, but there is one thing larger than the universe, and that is the love that God has for us, for you.

God created the Andromeda Galaxy for you.

God created Alpha Centauri for you.

God created the solar system for you.

God created the sun for you.

God created the earth for you.

God created oxygen for you.

God created apples for you.

God created green beans for you.

God created petunias for you.

God created mountains for you.

God created rivers for you.

God created water for you.

God created persimmons for you.

God created cotton for you.

God created elephants for you.

God created eagles for you.

God created goldfish for you.

God created horses for you.

God created maple trees for you.

God created copper for you.

God created diamonds for you.

God created cardinals for you.

God created sunsets for you.

God created colors for you.

God created you for Himself.

You’ve accepted all these things that God created for you.

Now it’s time for you to accept the best that God gave you.

God gave His Son, Jesus for you.

Jesus gave His life for you.

Accept these last two gifts and enjoy eternity with the great God who created all of this for you.

If you have accepted all of these I will see you someday in eternity.