
Luke, Chapter 6                                                          Gems

Last week I mentioned how much I had gleaned from reading the sixth chapter of Luke.  I wrote several posts using specific verses, and now this posting consists of a summary of the other gems I learned from the words of Jesus.  I did the reading in the Message translation.  I’ll let you find the particular verse for each gem.


“Love your enemies.”  That brings out the best in you.


Do unto others as you want them to do to you, but do it first.


Help and give without expecting a return.  You’ll never regret it.


Don’t pick on people unless you want the same treatment.


Giving, not getting, is the way.  Generosity begets generosity.


Don’t use an “I know-better-than-you” mentality, a “holier-than-thou” attitude.


“My words are foundation words, words to build a life on.”


Don’t use my words in Bible studies—use them in your life.


If you are going to take advice from anyone, I suggest that you take the advice of Jesus.