Flowing, Living Water

John 7:37,38                                               Flowing, Living Water

“On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’” (NIV)


Jesus’ brothers had suggested to Jesus that He go to the festival in Jerusalem with them.  According to Matthew Henry, their reason, ostensibly, for asking Jesus to go up to Jerusalem with them was two-fold.  If He were to gain the support of the people and the Jewish leaders, they could bask in His popularity, but if He were to be disbelieved, they could disavow Him and not be tainted by their relationship with Him.

Jesus refused to go with them, but He did leave shortly after they did.  He went not to gain popularity or to justify Himself in the eyes of the Jewish leaders.  He went to walk and talk with the people until His appointed time had come.  The time had come at the end of the Festival of Tabernacles when Jesus stood and said in a loud voice the words of John 7:37 and 38.  To be sure, the time had come, the people were gathered, and He could speak the words of God to the most people without any preamble by the Jewish leaders.  The words would not be diminished by any comment the leaders would have made or questions they would have asked before He spoke these stirring words of calling people to Himself.

If we thirst, Jesus has the water that will satisfy thirst and, at the same time, give a desire to drink more and more of the water He offers.  Those who drink it will not only be satisfied, but they will become a conduit of the same water, a conduit that calls others to the source, God the Father and God the Son.  This living water is the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us to lead us, guide us, and direct us in the ways of our Lord.  Be encouraged.  Not only do we receive this living water, we can also be the way by which others receive it.  We fulfill the desires of our God when we help bless others in this way.