Everything Beautiful in Its Time

Ecclesiastes 3:11                               Everything Beutiful in Its Time

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has put thoughts of the forever in man’s mind, yet man cannot understand the work God has done from the beginning to the end” (NLV).


I had the opportunity and the privilege of having an extended conversation this past week with a photographer like me, who not only takes great joy in the beauty of God’s creation, but also recognizes the call of the Creator through His creation.  As we talked, we came to realize that we have been blessed to easily find the call of God everywhere in His creation.  I believe that photographers see things in nature around them that are not always obvious to most people.  It is a blessed gift from God, but it is also one that takes developing of the gift.  Part of the developing is involved with the intricacies of the camera, and part is spending time looking at the scene before snapping the shutter.  But to the Christian photographer, the development of the gift of seeing God in every photograph is done through reading the Word and keeping God in mind every time he or she looks through the viewfinder.  I’m sorry if I have made it appear that photographers are special people who have abilities/gifts that most people don’t have.  These abilities are available to everyone who is willing to think of God whenever he or she looks deeply into the magnificent beauty of His creation.

I challenge you to “stop and smell the roses” the next time you walk outside.  Think of God as the Creator as you take in the superb view in front of you.  He has put within the beauty He created a calling that will bring you to Him if you will allow it.  It’s worth it.  More than your eyes will be blessed by what you see.