Everybody Is Big League

1 Peter 4:10                                             Everybody Is Big League

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (NIV).


This was the home field of the Colorado Springs Sky Sox, a triple A affiliate of several major league baseball teams.  The players’ next step was the major leagues—the Big Time.  They were all playing hard to get their shot at the big time or to get back to the big time.  They were good players; some would make it and some would not.  Major league teams have a roster limit of 26 players, which means that any time one of these guys got called up, someone else was sent down.  Elation and heart-break are frequent emotions for these men.  While some will become long-time major leaguers, most will, at best, play a few years in the major leagues, and some will never make it.

What a difference there is on God’s team!  First of all, there are no minor leagues.  Everybody is on God’s all-time all-star team.  “For God does not show favoritism” (Romans 2:11 NIV).  Everyone on His team is a starter.  God expects each of us to do the job that he or she has assigned, and no one’s job is more important than anyone else’s.   We do not have to worry about being “sent down” because we have not performed as well as God may like.  God depends upon us, but He is very patient with each of us.  There is no roster limit for God’s team.  We get to choose to join God’s team, and when we do, He assigns us a position, one in which we can serve Him best.  We are not waiting for our “shot” at the big time.  Once we are on His team, we are already in the big time.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the opportunity to be a big part of your team.  Help me to do my best.