Justice from the Heart of God

Luke 18:6-8                                          Justice from the Heart of God

“Then the Master said, ‘Do you hear what that judge, corrupt as he is, is saying?  So what makes you think that God won’t step in and work justice for his chosen people?  Won’t he stick up for them?  I assure you, he will.  He will not drag his feet.  But how much of that kind of persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when he returns?’”


The corrupt judge in the earlier part of this parable gave in to the persistent widow who kept badgering him with her plea for justice.  Jesus assures His listeners that the Father will step in and gain justice for His people, particularly for those who are persistent in their prayers, asking Him for His help in granting justice.  This is definitely an encouragement to keep on praying even when we haven’t yet been granted what we ask.  There is a key word in this parable, and that word is “justice.”  I don’t believe that we can use this parable as encouragement to continue to pray for just anything we may want or desire.  It is specific to the quest for justice, for His help when we have been wronged.  God is not the spendthrift gift-giver who gives gifts haphazardly.  He always has purpose in His giving of gifts.  He knows the difference between good gifts and bad gifts that may eventually bring harm.  He, the omniscient God, certainly knows what is good for us and what is harmful to us.  When we have been wronged and deserve justice, He will see that we get justice.

God’s ultimate judgment comes about when we die.  If we have any sin listed in our account we will not be permitted in heaven.  Wait a minute!  I have sinned, and I don’t know anyone who hasn’t.  You mean that I have no chance to get into heaven?  No, that’s not quite true.  What is true is that we have all sinned, and what is also true is that Jesus died on Calvary for our sins and arose three days later with victory for us because He had paid the debt for all our sins, and they are no longer listed in our accounts.  So, I can spend eternity in heaven even if I have sinned?  That’s right, as long as we have asked Jesus to forgive us for our sins and have accepted His sacrifice on our behalf and call Him Lord.  So, God gives us more that the justice we deserve; He also gives us grace in the forgiveness of our sins.  He provides justice for us here on earth and grace for eternity.