God Has Dealt Bountifully with Me

Psalm 13:6                                God Has Dealt Bountifully with Me

“I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.” (NKJV)


This picture gives me a definition of “bountiful.”  There are ferns as far as the eye can see, but if you worked really hard, and paid very close attention to what you were doing, I suppose you could count them all.  David speaks of God dealing bountifully with him, and I know He deals bountifully with me.  I’m not sure I could count all the blessings God has given me, but I’m sure the word “bountiful” is appropriate.  If I thought hard and long, maybe I could count all the blessings God has given me.  Wait a minute; who am I kidding?  The longer I think, the more I realize that I can’t remember them all.  I’m not even sure that I am aware of all the blessings God has given me.  But, I think it would be time well spent for me to think hard and long about all the blessings I have received from God.  Thank you, Lord, for dealing bountifully with me.

Categorized as Blessings

Jesus Loves Me a Lot

John 3:16                                           Jesus Loves Me a Lot

“God loved the people in the world so much that he gave his one and only Son to save them.  As a result, everyone who believes in the Son will not die.  Instead they will live for ever with God” (EASY).


I prayed this morning for God to give me a message, and this is what He said.  “Tell them how much I love you.”  He didn’t say to tell them how much I love them.  He made it personal—“…how much I love you.”  In response to His direction I write the following.

First I must say that I don’t think I will remember to mention everything that shows how much He loves me, and for that I ask His forgiveness.

The first daily reminder of His love for me is when I awake and see my wife, Norma.  He loves me very much to have given me this terrific lady to be my bride for sixty years so far.  He loves me enough to have given me three wonderful sons, Tim, Brian, and Jason; three great daughters-in-law, Michelle, Adrienne, and Danielle; and seven of the world’s best grandchildren, Josh, Megan, Emily, Jonathan, Benjamin, Haley, and Noah, and one grand son-in-law, Joshua.  He surrounded me with loving parents, grandparents, and a sister.  It’s hard to recall, let alone list all the good friends He has given me, and He continues to add new ones.  Numerous Minsters of the Gospel have poured God’s love into my life.

God loves me enough to have given me life in the United States of America and is allowing me to live in this exciting, spiritual time.  He has given me the opportunity to visit 47 of the fifty United States.  He called me to serve Him in two different Christian Schools, Grace Christian Schools, and Desert Christian Schools in Tucson.  I have worked with and for devoted followers of Him, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

God provided me with His written Word, has spoken to me through numerous pastors, and has spoken to me personally in answers to prayer.  He has given me opportunity to both write and speak concerning Jesus and His love for us.  The great beauty of creation has been a special gift that draws me to Him.  He has provided me with comfortable homes and useful automobiles.

He shows me more times in a day how much He loves me than I can keep track of.  The greatest gift He has given me here on earth is the relationships with other children of His creation, not all of whom have accepted Him as Savior yet.  I have the joy and responsibility to speak to some of my friends about their need for Jesus and His love.

But, the greatest way he has shown His love for me is also the greatest way He has shown His love for you, by sending His Son, Jesus, to grant me forgiveness of my sins, to obtain for me victory over evil, and providing for me a home with Him for eternity.

Father God, you have given me the world and more.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!

Restoration from the Burning of Sin

1 John 1:9                   Restoration from the Burning of Sin

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (KJV).


This tree branch suffered burning from a forest fire at Sunset Crater National Monument in northern Arizona, but, as you can see, the center was preserved intact.  The outer layers of the limb protected the inside, insulated it from the vast heat that enveloped the outside.  Jesus did so much more for us on the cross.  He not only protected us, He cleansed us from sin.  While this limb did die because the tree was felled by the fire, we have more protection.  When we confess and repent, our sins are forgiven as if they had never happened.  No dark ring of burned matter is found on our bodies, our souls, or our spirits.  Jesus accepted all of that burning upon Himself.  Father God sees no sin in the heart, soul, or spirit of the believer who has asked Jesus to forgive his sins, so He has no reason to ban him from His side or even from His throne room.  If fact, because of our relationship with Jesus, He welcomes us with open arms into His presence forever.  All the good that God has prepared for us is available for our enjoyment and blessing.