Amazing Grace

2 Corinthians 13:14                                               Amazing Grace

“The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you” (MSG).


I turned on the tv this afternoon to TBN, and it was part-way through a concert by the Statler Brothers.  Since they are one of my favorite Gospel groups, I decided to listen.  I thought they looked older, and that was confirmed when it was announced that this program was “The Final Concert of the Statler Brothers.”  Before they sang their final final number, they announced that the first song they had sung together was “Amazing Grace.” That was the song they were going to sing to close out their concert career.  What a great way to begin and end a singing career.  Not only is it probably the most well-known Gospel song ever sung, but those were the final words that Paul wrote to the church at Corinth.  Paul also included the love of God and the “intimate friendship” of the Holy Spirit in his farewell.  It was essentially Paul’s benediction upon the Christians at Corinth.


At His crucifixion, I was presented with the final bill for all my sins, and it needed to be paid.  Paraphrasing the Words of Jesus:  “Give me that.  I’ve got that covered.”  I gave it to Him, and He paid it in full.  In the same manner, your final sin bill was presented to you.  Again, Jesus offered to take it and pay it in full, but He can’t pay it in full, or at all, unless you hand it to Him and ask Him to pay it. When you do, He will pay it in full.  He offered to do the same for every person ever born.  The final sin bill for every person ever born on earth was presented to each person.  Again, Jesus will pay them in full for all those who hand their bills to Jesus and ask Him to pay them.  He paid them  ALL in full for those who ask Him to, and for them there is no punishment, no payment left to be paid.  Don’t let your bill be outstanding.  Each sin bill MUST be paid in full, and if Jesus doesn’t pay it, the one who committed each sin will be responsible for payment.  Believe me, you don’t want to pay that bill.  Payment will take an eternity.


Thank you, Jesus, for your amazing grace.  Thank you, Father God, for your extravagant love, and thank you, Holy Spirit, for your intimate friendship.  These three–amazing grace, extravagant love, and intimate friendship– were offered to you at the moment of Jesus’ sacrifice.  Be sure to reach out and accept them.