God Never Takes a Nap

Psalm 121:3,4                                                  God Never Takes a Nap

“God won’t let your foot slip.  Your protector won’t fall asleep on the job.  Israel’s protector never sleeps or rests” (CEB).


I did some lawn work this morning, and as it got hotter, I realized that it was time to quit.  I cooled off, took a shower, put on clean clothes, and promptly fell asleep in front of my computer.  When I woke up, I went to bed and had a nap—I needed it.

As the verses above states,  “protector won’t fall asleep on the job.”  We knew that as children when we prayed, “Now I lay me down to sleep.  I pray the Lord my soul to keep.”  The trust and faith of a child is amazing and much to be desired when we “grow up.”  When I stop to realize that God really is always “on the job,” I can relax and live my life in His presence every day.  He is always aware of me and what I am doing—even when I would rather that He weren’t looking.  In those moments of my “not so good” moments, I need to remember that He is not only aware of me, but He still loves me and is actively working to resolve the difficulties that I cause.  The sun may set in the evening, but God’s love never wains.

He is with me during those times of triumph, times that I have followed His leading and have succeeded in some particular task that He assigned me.  He is with me and is rejoicing with me for two reasons:  1) That the task has been successfully completed, and 2) That I have stayed in His will.  Both are good reasons for both of us to rejoice.  It does my heart good to know that my God actually rejoices over me.  Someone said, “If God had a refrigerator, my picture would be on it.”

Thank you, Lord, for being the God who watches over me 24/7, during my bad times and during my good times.  Of all things in life for which I can be certain, the most dependable one is the attention, love, and care of my God.  Thank you, Lord, for being you.

I love you, Jesus.  I love you, Father God.  I love you, Holy Spirit.