Don’t Just Hear, Listen

Luke 19:47,48                                              Don’t Just Hear, Listen

“Every day he was teaching in the temple courts, but the chief priests, the experts in the law, and the leaders of the people continued to look for a way to put him to death.  They could not find any way to do it, because all the people were clinging to him and listening” (EHV)


Most translations of this Scripture do not include the word “listening” at the end of verse 48.  Most include the word, “hearing” or go on to describe what was happening as “intently hearing, hung on His words.”  I recently read a devotional based on this Scripture and got an interesting perspective based on the word “listening.”  The author, Roger G. Palms, using the DLNT translation, stated that the people did more than hear Jesus’ words, did more than hang on His words; they listened to Jesus and heard His heart.  Earlier in the gospel of Luke, chapter 8, verse 21, Jesus said, “…My brethren are these that hear the Word of God and do it” (KJV).  So, according to Jesus, we are not truly His followers unless we do what the Word says.  In other words, He was saying, “Actions speak louder than words.”  Jesus was correct.  Of course Jesus was correct, but it is important that we place the proper emphasis on the passage—“do it.”  We can read the Gospels.  We can quote the Gospels.  We can even preach the Gospels, but if our actions don’t mirror our words, our reading, speaking and preaching are of no effect.  Non-Christians, who hear us speak or preach the Gospel and observe us not living it, use that as reason to not accept the “Good News” of Jesus.  That’s quite a statement, putting the blame for people not receiving Christ as Savior on us when we don’t “do as we say.”  Maybe we need to think of that the next time we cut someone off in traffic, especially if we have a Christan sticker on our bumper.  Maybe we need to think of that the next time we lose our temper and say inappropriate words of scorn to someone who disagrees with us.  Maybe we need to think of that the next time we don’t return the excess change given to us by a store clerk.  Maybe we need to think of that the next time we speak evil of someone, especially someone known to be a Christian.  If we want our words to make a positive difference—someone accepting Christ as Savior– we need to make sure that our actions and words agree in a positive manner.  Lord, help us to be effective witnesses for you in both word and deed.