Is It Still There?

Psalm 66:4                                                                 Is It Still there?

“All the earth worships Thee; they sing praises to Thee; sing praises to Thy name” (RSV).


This sign was there at the Grand Canyon sixty years ago.  I wonder, is it still there?  The Scripture is still true: “All the earth worships thee; they sing praises to Thee; sing praises to They name.”  All the earth does worship the Lord.  It’s only the people who have stopped singing praises to His name.  Just look around and observe the earth still singing the praises of the Creator.  He has created fantastic beauty.  Just feet away from this sign is one of the views that people from all over the world travel thousands of miles to see—the Grand Canyon.  Okay, not all the people have stopped singing praise to Him.  There are still many millions on this earth who appreciate the beauty that God has created, and they worship and praise Him for it.

When Jesus was entering Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday, the people were saying in Luke 20:38, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!  Peace in heaven and glory in the highest” (NKJV).  The Pharisees told Jesus to stop the people from saying such things.  His answer, in verse 40 was,”…I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out” (NKJV).  I wonder if that would happen today.  Would the rocks cry out?  They do to me.  They speak of the glory of God in all their myriad shapes, colors, and composition.  But I am not going to wait for the rocks to cry out.  “Praise the Lord for He is good!”  Won’t you join me today and praise the Lord out loud where people can hear you?  Jesus speaks to the Father on our behalf.  We can certainly speak to the world on His behalf.  Let’s do it.  Let’s praise the Lord out loud every day.

Thoughts to Ponder(3)

Deuteronomy 6:5                                            Thoughts to Ponder(3)

“You shall love the Lord  your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (NKJV).


I will wait upon the Lord with faith and trust and joy and peace, for He is good, and He cares for me.

God sent His best.  Jesus gave His all.  The least I can do is praise Him every day.

If I were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict me?

Do I have the welcome mat out for Jesus today?

Would someone guess that I was a Christian by my actions?

When the heat of life drives the bad stuff to the top, let God skim it off.  He knows where and how to get rid of it.

My salvation doesn’t depend upon my goodness.  It depends upon the mercy of God.  THANK GOD!

Every day, find time to be alone with God.  He always has time for you.

Think about and pray for one different person every day.

Today might be the last chance you have to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.  Take it!  You’ll be glad you did.


Thoughts to Ponder(2)

John 3:16                                              Thoughts to Ponder(2)

For the nexr two days I will be posting ten thoughts a day.  Hopefully, one or several, will give you something to think about or pray about.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (NKJV).


Lord, help me approach this week of work as if I were working directly for You.

Do I look forward to Jesus’ return as much as He does?

Jesus loves me as much on my bad days as He does on my good days, and He expects as much from me on my bad days as He does on my good days.

Lord, show me how to make a difference in someone’s life today.

Sin in my life must be replaced by something.  Lord, fill me!

No one will ever love you as much as Jesus Christ does.

I am not the general manager of the universe., but I know the one who is.

Keep a folder of favorite Scriptures at hand.

Be the last one to speak.  By then you have heard everyone else’s opinion and have had time to pray about yours.

Some of the best conversations my wife and I have had have not been particularly long, but they were heartfelt and filled with love, care, and appreciation for each other.




Thoughts to Ponder(1)

Genesis 1:1                                              Thoughts to Ponder(1)

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (NKJV).


For the next three days I will be posting ten thoughts a day.  Hopefully, one or several, will give you something to think about or pray about.

Even on my worst days, when I am most ashamed of myself, Jesus still calls me His friend, and He speaks to the Father on my behalf.

When the lines of communication are broken between God and me, guess who is at fault, and guess who is ready, willing, and able to re-establish the connection at a moment’s notice.

When Jesus returns, will I be glad to have Him see what I am doing?

Whenever I question who I am, I just have to remember whose I am.

To whom have I shown the love of Jesus Christ today?

When I walk toward Christ, I walk away from sin.

I study to make myself worthy.  I strive to make myself worthy. I work really hard to make myself worthy.   But I can never become worthy of Jesus’ love on my own.  Jesus asks me to accept Him.  As soon as I do, I am already worthy  because He is worthy.

Do you have a Christian heritage in your family?  If so, thank God.  If not, thank God that you are beginning one.

Take time to listen when I pray.  It’s a two-way conversation.  God’s words are more important than mine.

Probably someone you love needs to hear you express that love today.