Melt Me, Mold Me, Fill Me, Use Me

Acts 1:8                       Melt Me, Mold Me, Fill Me, Use Me

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (NIV).


Daniel Iverson wrote a prayer song asking:  “Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on met.  Melt me, mold me fill me and use me.”  Jesus told us in Acts 1:8 what happens when that prayer is answered.  We will be given power, enough power to speak to everyone and anyone about the life, sacrifice, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said it, the Holy Spirit will “give you power.”

That’s quite a request that Daniel Iverson made.  Let’s look at it one part at a time.

“Melt me” infers that I have things that need changed, maybe radically changed.  My attitudes may need to be changed to properly represent our Lord.  It also infers that I need to be softened.  I need to make myself available to God’s will to the point that who I am may need to be altered until I no longer look or act like I have in the past.

“Mold me” gives God my permission to make me into the person He wants me to be, to blunt the sharp edges of my personality, to form me to be what He wants and needs me to be.  “Mold me” is to ask God to make me into someone who will draw others to Him.

“Fill me” invites the Holy Spirit to come inside me and fill every corner with God’s desires, His love, and His compassion.  It implies that I am giving God permission to move out anything that would get in the way, take up space that is needed for the filling He has for me.

“Use me” implies that I know that God has a use for me, and I haven’t been fulfilling it.  I am asking God to make the best use of me that He can  now that He has melted, molded, and filled me.

If I truly mean this prayer of melting, molding, filling, and using, my life may be radically changed.  And why wouldn’t I want that?  I recognize God as my Heavenly Father who wants the very best for me, and the very best is to be in His will doing what He wants me to do.  If I truly ask and accept this melting, molding, filling, and using, people will probably ask me why I have changed so drastically.  And then, I will be ready to be an effective witness for Jesus Christ everywhere I go.

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