Behind the Scenes; Knowing God

John 17:3                               Behind the Scenes; Knowing God

“And this is the way to have eternal life—to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth” (NLT).


It was intriguing to walk behind the waterfall, to see from behind the scenes.  We don’t often get to see what the backs of waterfalls look like.  When we do, we feel like we understand them better, or at least have a different perspective.  So how do we get to understand God better, to get behind the scenes and find out what is really going on?  It’s no secret; there are two best ways to understand God, to draw closer to Him: 1. Read His Word, 2. Pray.  That’s it.  Those are the two best ways to get to know and understand God well, as well as we as humans can understand the creator of the universe.  He wants us to draw close to Him, to learn about Him, and grasp His greatness and love.  It’s never too late to begin this fascinating journey, and I am convinced that it will never end, even throughout eternity.

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