Attention to Detail

Genesis 1:24                                                    Attention to Detail

“Then God said, ‘Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind—livestock, small animals that scurry along the ground, and wild animals.’  And that is what happened” (NLT).


And each animal is its own kind.  Just look at the details, the white and brown stripes on the back, the white and dark stripes on the face, and the tiny feet and claws.  Try to imagine the tiny heart that beats to send blood throughout this beautiful animal’s body.  Try to imagine the even tinier arteries and veins that carry the blood throughout the body.  Try to imagine the digestive organs from the sharp teeth through the intestines.  This is certainly not the smallest animal, not even the smallest mammal, but it serves to illustrate the attention to detail that the Creator bestowed upon the smallest of creatures.  If He lavished that much attention and love on this small animal that scurries along the ground, how much more attention and love did He lavish on His greatest creative achievement, the creation of man in the image of God.  We, the ones created in His image are the “apple of His eye,” the ones He loves most, and the ones from whom He expects the most.  It is a great joy to return love to God and to know that He craves and appreciates that love.  Thank you, Lord, for loving me and for craving my love.

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