Go with God and Rest

Mark 6:31                                                         Go with God and Rest

“Then because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them. ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’ ” (NIV).


In the past week we felt the busyness that Jesus described to His disciples, although others weren’t coming and going, we were constantly on the go with many tasks that needed to be completed in a short period of time.  Needless to say, we were exhausted.  We needed to “Come away with Jesus, and He will give us rest.”  Even when Jesus spoke those words to His disciples, they did not have a long time to rest, but a short time alone with Jesus can wipe away the exhaustion and reinvigorate the most tired.  There is a way to make the time particularly restful and refreshing, and make us ready to re-engage with the world.  I suggest taking the time to find a place where interruptions are excluded and then pour out your heart–all of it, the problems, the concerns, and the feelings of hopelessness.  Then, sit and listen for His still small voice.  Sit and feel His arms surround you.  Look up and see Him sitting on His throne reaching His hand to you.  Hear Him say, “I love you.”  It may take some time to calm yourself enough to experience His peace, but the time will be worth it.  Jesus is always ready, willing, and able to spend alone time with us.  Just call Him.  I guarantee that you will not get a busy  signal, that He will listen attentively to what you have to say, and that He will answer you.