God Has Dealt Bountifully with Me

Psalm 13:6                                God Has Dealt Bountifully with Me

“I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.” (NKJV)


This picture gives me a definition of “bountiful.”  There are ferns as far as the eye can see, but if you worked really hard, and paid very close attention to what you were doing, I suppose you could count them all.  David speaks of God dealing bountifully with him, and I know He deals bountifully with me.  I’m not sure I could count all the blessings God has given me, but I’m sure the word “bountiful” is appropriate.  If I thought hard and long, maybe I could count all the blessings God has given me.  Wait a minute; who am I kidding?  The longer I think, the more I realize that I can’t remember them all.  I’m not even sure that I am aware of all the blessings God has given me.  But, I think it would be time well spent for me to think hard and long about all the blessings I have received from God.  Thank you, Lord, for dealing bountifully with me.