Remembering Pam

Psalm 133:1                                                   Remembering Pam

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (NKJV).


I was informed this morning that a friend had passed from this life into the next a few days ago.  She was a good friend, but I can’t say that she was a close friend.  I don’t even know her last name, I’ve known her less than a year, and she never spoke a word to me.  I met her when our church began providing a Sunday church service at her assisted living home.  I was going around talking to people, and when I got to Pam, I said hello, and she didn’t say anything back to me, but she reached in her purse and pulled out a slip of paper that said, “Lou Gehrig disease.”  She couldn’t speak, but she did have an expressive face, and the favorite way we communicated was with a thumbs up sign.  That was the beginning of a friendship that lasted until just recently.  Part of my enjoyment of the services we had at her assisted living home was getting to greet her and spend a few minutes conversing with her.  I hadn’t noticed her at the church services the past two times, and I asked about her today.  I was told that she had a bad fall, and that her body was too weak to recover.  I don’t even know what all we talked about, but between my talking, her facial expressions, and the mutual thumbs up signals, we had some good conversations.  I’m glad to say that I will get to meet her someday on Heaven’s streets, and I will get to hear her voice for the first time.  I am looking forward to that.

So why do I take this long to tell you about Pam?  She was a good friend, and an important friend.  Not all friendships that God gives us are long with lengthy conversations.  Some are evidenced by the touching of the two spirits with the Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus.

I miss you, Pam.