Spread the Gospel

Mark 16:15                                                       Spread the Gospel

“And then he told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone’” (NLT).


The bright yellow color is intense in the center of this flower, the yellow radiating toward the outer edges.  Let me use this as a simple visual illustration of “Go into all the world and preach the Good News.”  If we visualize Jesus Christ as the brilliant center of Christianity, which He is, we can see disciples, us, spreading this Good News towards the ends of the earth.  It’s time to do it, time to focus on speaking the Good News of forgiveness of sin and eternal life with our great God in heaven.  If I can’t personally do that, then I need to support those who can.  Wait a minute—I can spread the Good News myself.  I know lots of people who need this Good News, and I even meet others I don’t know who also need the Good News.  Lord, give me the boldness to represent you by the way I live my life.  When I can’t do it with words, help me to do it with my actions.  Help me live so that people may wonder and even ask why I am not dragged down by all the turmoil the world is going through.