Let the Water Flow

Exodus 17:6                                                  Let the Water Flow

“I will stand thee before you by the rock at Horeb.  Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.  So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel” (NIV).


The Israelites had gladly left Egypt and had seen Pharaoh’s army killed by the Lord at the Red Sea.  They were now in the desert and had no source of water that they could see.  God didn’t bring them out to the desert to die of thirst.  He knew that He was their source for all things, including water, and He worked through Moses as He had been doing.  When Moses went to God with the water problem, God did what God does—He provided all the water they needed, once again proving His faithfulness to His chosen people.

Moses had to put his trust in God, as he had so many times on this journey.  God put Moses on the spot by telling him to stand by a dry rock and hit it with his staff.  He also told Moses to make sure that the leaders of Israel were there.  It seems as though God wanted to demonstrate to the leaders that Moses was, indeed, His chosen man among His chosen people.  Moses again put his trust in God and did as he was told.  Wow!—water out of a dry rock, and not just a trickle.  It was enough for all the many thousands of the people of Israel and their animals to drink, and in the middle of the desert.  When God does something He does it right!  That’s a good thing for us to remember.  Can we summon the faith and trust in God that Moses demonstrated?  If and when we do, we will also experience God doing above and beyond all that we can imagine.  God is all mighty.  Let’s join our levels of faith together until we make God rejoice and release His great power on our behalf.