Creation Calls Us to Him

Psalm 19:1-4                                             Creation Calls Us to Him

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God.  The skies display his craftsmanship.  Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known.  They speak without a sound or a word; their voice is never heard.  Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.  God has made a home in the heavens for the sun” (NLT).


The declaration of God by the heavens is remarkable.  Go outside at night and look at the stars and a full moon; then go out at night and see the stars when the moon isn’t shining.  It’s a quite different view.  Without the light of the moon, the stars shine brighter, and there are many more stars visible.  My wife and I are planning to visit a designated “dark sky” area this summer during new moon, and we also plan to stay awake as long as it takes to see the Milky Way.  From the pictures I’ve seen, it’s spectacular.  Other beauties of the night skies include the brilliant light of meteors (falling stars), and the view of the Northern Lights.  How many sunsets have you seen, and no two are alike?  We’ve seen sunsets from Maine to Hawaii and Alaska, and I am always rewarded for taking the time to look, not just glance, at a sunset.

During the daytime, we have the normal sight of the sun—a sight too bright to look squarely at it.  Then there are the days with clouds—partly cloudy to overcast.  Bright white puffy clouds floating across the blue sky pull my eyes heavenward.  It’s enjoyable to watch the sun play hide and seek with the clouds, sometimes making their edges stand out brilliantly.  Even an overcast sky holds my interest with the several types of clouds that cover the sky.

I’ve seen a total eclipse of the sun in Maine, and several partial eclipses of the sun in Arizona.  I’ve also seen total and partial eclipses of the moon in both Pennsylvania and Arizona.  Each of them has held my attention while they were occurring.  Nighttime light in the middle of the afternoon will get and hold your attention.  It certainly gets the attention of animals, as birds go to roost and land animals lie down as if to sleep.

So what is the point of all this discussion of the beauty available for enjoyment in the skies?  Go back to the top of this message and reread Psalm 19, verses one to four.  That’s right, “The heavens proclaim the glory of the Lord.”  Look and see.  Look and learn.  Look and believe in Jesus Christ, the creator.  He created all this beauty for our enjoyment and to draw us to Him.  The next time you look at the sky, spend at least a few minutes thinking about the Creator.  Creation beckons us, and the Creator calls us to Him every day.