Even Little Things Matter to God

Matthew 6:4                                    Even Little Things Matter to God

“…so that your giving may be in secret.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you” (NIV).


This little waterfall adds little to the flow of the mighty Snake River in Idaho, and very few people even see it.  It’s back a poorly marked dirt road with barely a wide space in the road for parking.  We drove past it, even knowing it was there, but we did go back and find it.  It was worth the effort we made to see it.  To most people who drive by on U. S. route 26, it doesn’t even exist.  We were rewarded for making the extra effort to find it.  God, of course, knows where this sparkling gem is located, and He appreciates it.  He created it to be right where it is, and it fulfills its purpose of adding to the flow of the Snake River (and its secondary purpose of adding beauty to its surroundings.)

Those little things you do for the Church, the unnoticed things, may not be noticed by many, but God notices them.  He takes note of them, and He lays up rewards in Heaven for each of them.  It’s not just the small things you do for the Church; it’s the little things you do for your neighbors, your friends, and even strangers.  God notices them all, and He appreciates the heart that thought enough to perform these little things.  Often the person who is the recipient of the small favor does not even know who did it, but he or she appreciates it also.  He or she may even say a short prayer of thanksgiving and blessing upon the thoughtful person.  So don’t give up doing the small things.  They are noticed and appreciated, and rewards are laid up in heaven for the doer of them.

May God bless you greatly for all the small, thoughtful things you do.