God Is Glorious

Psalm 19:1                                                              God Is Glorious

John 1:14

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”  “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”  (NIV)


Glacier Bay in Alaska is certainly glorious in beauty.  In this case, I would say that the mountains and the seas proclaim the work of His hands.  I have visited 47 of the 50 United States, and this is one of my favorite places and views.  The glory of God’s creation is certainly evident.  When we take the time to stand and look at the work of the Creator all around us, we become convinced of the glorious nature of the One who created all that we see, but that’s just the beginning.  After he created the fullness of the earth and inhabited it with plants, trees, animals, fish, and birds, He created mankind.  He didn’t just create mankind, He created mankind in His image, and then He did a remarkable thing.  He breathed life into the first man with His own breath, thereby making mankind eternal beings.

He created us for His fellowship, but He didn’t demand that we love Him or worship Him.  He gave us free will so He could ask us to love Him and worship Him.  Mankind rejected God’s love by disobeying the only rule in the Garden of Eden.  He ate from the forbidden tree, the tree that would allow sin to enter the earth through mankind.  By doing this, Man created a split between himself and God and was no longer able to live beside or with His Creator.

Then God showed His glorious nature even more than He did through creation.  He provided a way for man to again fellowship with God.  He sent His only Son to earth to live as a man, take on Himself all the sins of mankind, and accept the punishment for each and every one of those sins.  The magnitude of His love for us was made manifest by this supreme sacrifice.  This deed was much more glorious that the original act of creation.  In creation, He created the universe out of nothing but His words, but at Calvary, He entered into this life and participated by giving Jesus’ own life as a sacrifice.  He gave up something very precious to Him—His only Beloved Son.  At Calvary, Father God had to turn His back on His one and only Son in order for the sacrifice to be complete.

The love of God is much more glorious than anything He did during creation.  Thank you, dear God, for your glorious love.